At Transloadit, we are constantly seeking ways to enhance and simplify our services for the users. You may have already noticed, and even used, our latest reimagination. If not, let us introduce you to the new and improved Transloadit Wizard! We're really proud of this latest iteration of the Wizard, so let's dive into what's new and why it matters.

From five steps to two

For those unfamiliar, the Transloadit Wizard is your quick start to crafting Assembly Instructions. Saved as Templates, these instructions enable our backend to process your files and media for you.

Templates not only secure your workflow, but also allow you to execute various processing operations on any number of files with a single API call, using the template_id parameter.

Originally, the Wizard guided users through a five-step process, starting with a file source and ending in the verification and saving of Assembly Instructions to a Template.

Old steps of the Transloadit Wizard

As part of our recent mission to improve UX across Transloadit, we had a look at our Wizard from a new user's point of view, and saw a chance to make things much easier. We want to be able to onboard new users, and show them what Transloadit is all about, without a lengthy onboarding process. So, we decided:

  • We can postpone sorting out file sources and destinations until after we’ve decided how to process them.
  • We can easily skip the final step of the old Wizard, which tasked users with reviewing their instructions.
  • We should also generate code on the fly to fully demonstrate how everything works.

With this understanding, we were able to streamline the Wizard to just two steps, asking users:

  • What type of files do you want to process?
  • What should Transloadit do with them?
The simplified steps of the Transloadit Wizard

This isn’t just about shaving off a few steps – it’s about making the whole process faster, more intuitive, and a plainly better experience.

It seems that many of you agree with us: after three months of testing, we have noticed a doubling of the number of newly signed-up users who go on to create their first Template and launch their first Assembly. Yes, we're talking a 100% increase in initial usage!

What’s next

We couldn't be happier with the results, and we are excited to continue applying the same philosophy to the rest of our services. Be sure to stay tuned for future updates and enhancements, as we are eager to reveal more of what we've been working on behind the scenes.

For now though, we invite you to explore the Wizard by creating a new Template and experience the streamlined workflow for yourself. Your feedback is invaluable as we continue to refine our services to better meet your encoding needs.