If you are not using a storage Robot, because you have a setup where you prefer to manually fetch our result files from our temporary URLs, here is some good news:

As of today, we will begin storing all temporary files on Amazon S3 for a period of 30 days. This means that even as we are shutting down – and bringing online – new machines, you will have 30 days to fetch your result files. Please note that the URLs are not finalized until the Assembly hits the ASSEMBLY_COMPLETED state! If you are fetching the URLs at an earlier stage, they may still point to their volatile locations on our machines.

For those of you using a storage Robot to export all Assembly files, please be advised that we do not keep those extra copies around. If you are not using a storage Robot, and you would prefer that we not store your files for 30 days (or at all) please contact us so we can figure this out.

We hope you will enjoy this change!