Halfway through each month, our newsletter for developers: The Dev Times, brings three reads that our own developers found interesting on the web, and two Transloadit updates that may interest you.

Introducing GitHub Package Registry

On May 10, GitHub announced a new service for its customers that will allow developers and organizations an easy way to generate "packages" from their code. It is a software package hosting service, similar to npmjs.com, rubygems.org or hub.docker.com. This service allows you to control the entire flow of a project from its inception, all the way through coding and publication. Learn More. ›

A beginner's guide to speaking at tech conferences

So, you've seen a bunch of tech talks and now you have decided that you'd like to get on stage yourself. Great! But how will you go about it? Tomasz Łakomy, tech speaker and Senior Frontend Engineer at OLX Group, wrote an article to share his advice on: reaching out to the event promotor and writing a successful conference proposal, preparing yourself for your presentation, and a few other practical things you want to know before taking center stage at the next big conference! Check it out. ›

Simplify Web Worker code with Comlink

Workers are great. But managing them? Not so much. Comlink is a big upgrade from dealing directly with postMessage and the message event. It allows you to act as if you can call methods directly from other threads. The magic in Comlink is that it hides the worker communication from you. If you’re ready to move work off the main thread, you might want to checkout Comlink. Read More. ›

Introducing the output_meta parameter

You may have seen the output_meta parameter across our documentation for the /upload/handle and /image/resize Robots. You may also have wondered what it does exactly. Samuel, one of our technical writers, explains how useful this parameter is, and why it was created in the first place! Let's take a look at how to build an Assembly that uses this parameter. Learn More! ›

Uppy 1.0 was featured in GitHub's Release Radar of April 2019

GitHub's Release Radar is known for sharing all the best releases from the open source community. You can imagine how thrilled we were to see Uppy being featured in April's edition. Thank you, GitHub, for literally putting Uppy on the radar! Check it out! ›