We are very happy and proud that Transloadit has been growing steadily over the past years. We started our business in 2009, hoping that there would be a market for the service we invented. That certainly turned out to be the case and we now have more customers than ever before.

We are usually able to satisfy our customers, but integration with Transloadit is not always cut and dry – and while we pride ourselves on good documentation, there is always that one scenario that it does not cover. Customers also often have feature requests and, in some cases, there are bugs that require quick answers. This means that, along with our growing customer base, we have been receiving an ever increasing amount of customer questions and concerns.

Offering quality customer support is of the utmost importance to us, but it also began to take up a great deal of time for our relatively small team. So we decided to strengthen the team with someone who would be dedicated solely to handling customer support.

Our vacancy post brought in many aspiring and qualified candidates, but we initially only intended to hire one person for this job. Ultimately, however, we really couldn’t decide between two excellent candidates and we ended up hiring them both 😱

We would like you to meet, and give a warm welcome to, the newest members of the Transloadit team: Abdel and Dan!

Further introductions

Abdelhadi Khiati

Abdel's avatar

Abdel is currently taking his Master’s degree in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. A late start notwithstanding – he only had his first PC at age 16 and first discovered the internet at 18 – Abdel has shown great passion and an apt mind for computer sciences. He already has ample experience developing and writing various kinds of software, from web APIs to robotics software, and is currently partaking in Google Summer Of Code, where he is working on the FreeBSD kernel. Abdel also curates the awesome robotics list. As a polyphasic sleeper (30 minutes of sleep every four hours) Abdel will have enough spare moments to help Transloadit’s customers succeed with even their craziest integration ideas.

Dan Rosenshain

Dan's avatar

Dan is a web developer hailing from Israel. He is currently in the process of launching his own startup: an app that will allow bars and restaurants to offer potential customers a sneak peek of their establishment, from the comfort of their own home. Dan is a great communicator and a man of many talents. In his spare time, Dan practices bodyweight fitness and extreme sports. He is also a frequent visitor of Tel Aviv’s vibrant nightlife. Between bootstrapping his own startup and his numerous other activities, Dan has fortunately found the time to assist with customer support here at Transloadit. Transloadit is committed to helping Dan succeed, in the same way he is committed to helping our customers do just that.

Welcome Dan & Abdel!

Even more additions to the team

Besides having added two members to our support team, we have also very recently recruited a few part-time developers to fortify the teams that manage our open source projects, such as our: SDKs, tus, and Uppy

More on this soon!